Freitag, 11. April 2014

The reinvention of self

Ok, so we've all changed schools or went to university or some place where nobody knew us and we had this feeling: Let's start over again, you can be whatever you want to be! You don't have to be that person anymore. At least you can try if you want to.

Applying is a bit like this. New place, they don't know you. You can be a wonderful whatever. You just have to convince them. Lying is bad, yet apparently very common, not only in CVs. Maybe we should better call it adaption.

Trying to get an interview is like getting to hang out with the cool kids, students, colleagues: What can you be that they might like and find cool? Pretend! And what about being yourself and so on? I am, as a matter of fact, a big defender of being yourself. But that might not work. Try to at least get invited: you will soon find out that they have the same problems you do and might not even have anything interesting to say or, jobwise, anything interesting to offer but you found out for yourself.

For that you might want to try not being yourself for a bit. So you repeat any buzz word potential employer put in their job ad. You are flexible, organized, dedicated, meticulous, hands on, team player, an overall talent, self reliant, you have, of course, super good software skills for any software, leadership skills or type like the wind.

Have a good answer ready for the question: What would you really like to do? Because this is where the cool kids might find out that you are not reckless or into their music or sports. And they might not speak to you again.

What I found out in the last couple of months: if you want to do/be something/someone completely different: This is the hardest part. Bite your teeth and be patient. At one point you might strike someones fancy but you will have to be open to new ideas and have even more patience.

And: Love your CV, don't lie about it, but pimp it!

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